Learn to Tip Like an Expert

During your next trip to Panama City Beach, Florida – you will probably find yourself in a situation where it’s appropriate to give a tip.

It may be valet parking, maid service in your hotel, or for service in a restaurant or bar.

There is a tipping etiquette that not many people know about (Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean giving everyone who helps you $100 each time!)

Hopefully this guide will help you feel more confident, and never have to worry about “Did I leave enough / too much?’

Thanks to floridatripgides.com for their blog named “The Simple Guide to Tipping” which inspired this post.

History of Tipping

Tipping has been practiced around the World for centuries.

It used to be a way to guarantee great service BEFORE you received it.

Since then, tips have become expected in many industries – with some workers relying on their tips to make a living wage.

Here’s a tip: A simple verbal “Thank you” goes a long way too. Bonus: Manners cost nothing 🙂


This one is simple. Good service should mean a 15% – 20% tip.

This is before any coupons or discounts are applied to your bill.

Panama City Beach has a lot of buffet style restaurants too; a 10% tip is appropriate here.

Bartenders / Tip Jars

Typically, a $1 – $2 per drink tip is expected at bars.

If you’re staying for the long haul, then you should tip 15% – 20% of the total bill.

The tip jar is there for your benefit too, a good bartender will show their appreciation in your next drink 🙂


Daily housekeeping makes sure your vacation is pleasant and stress free.

Coming back to a freshly cleaned room every day is worth every penny of $5 per day.

Imagine you could live like that at home! 🙂

Valet Parking

There aren’t many restaurants in Panama City Beach that offer valet parking.

However, there are a few – and while you don’t need to tip when they pick up your car, when you get it back $5 is fair.


You’re on vacation, and some nights you might not want to leave your Resort.

Heck, you could even have a pizza delivered to you in a hammock as you lay beside the beach!

A tip of 10% – 20% is appropriate for any food that is delivered straight to you.


If you need to use a taxi to get you to/from the airport, a 10% – 20% tip is appropriate.

That’s it… Now you’re an expert on correct tipping etiquette.

You’ll always feel confident that you left an appropriate tip, and you can always expect good service!